Support Us

Blue Tengu Coin LogoWe’d like for you to get something for your money, so of course picking up our games, like Project Spaghetti, or picking something up at our store on Spreadshirt would go a long way towards helping. But if you just like what we’re doing and want to show your support, we’d appreciate any donations you can send our way. Your donations will go toward the costs of maintaining the broadcast and the site.

Paypal Tip Jar

And of course non-monetary donations are also welcome! If you have anything that might help, just drop us a line. And if you happen to be a tool-maker who has something that could make life easier, let us know.

Our philosophy is to demystify game design, and part of that includes using free or inexpensive tools, so we do our best to hunt for deals and  keep costs down, but some things do cost money. Some of the things your donation will be used for include:

  • Hosting Costs
  • Domain Name Registration Fees
  • Game Development Tools
  • Video & Audio Editing Equipment
  • Hardware & Hardware Maintenance
  • Giving Us Motivation!


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