Blue Tengu’s Game Development Show – Season 2, Episode 33

Blue Tengu - Field Hockey Audio
In this episode of Blue Tengu’s Game Development Show, we interact with the live chat to take suggestions for possible post-civilization artifacts to find when flying around the world of Project Skyring.

Thank you to viewers 123gas321, Holofire, NLD1st, Nygaard_Gaming, and Pandabitz for being good sports and coming up with completely random remnants of civilization for us to use.

After we finished collecting artifact ideas, we wrote up a quick description for one, converted it to the narrator’s mysterious language, and went over to Audacity to record the voice. Although we had all of the effect settings to produce the voice we wanted, having to set them for every voice file would’ve been daunting. Thanks to a little prodding from 123gas321, we looked around on the internet and found a way to automate the chaining of effects and output of files in Audacity, making the voice recording a snap compared to what it would’ve been.

If you ever need to do multiple effects chained together or need to use effects on multiple audio clips in Audacity, here’s how.

We did go on to fill out descriptions for all of the artifact suggestions, so they’ll be scattered around Project Skyring’s world soon enough. (including the panda.. well bits.)

Thanks to your help, we had a total of around 85 artifacts as of the end of the show, but we’ll keep going to at least get 100 and then try to add special artifacts for certain situations and rules.

Game Development Show Tasks Worked on This Episode:

  • Add Artifacts and Descriptions to the Game
  • Take an Artifact and Convert to Voiced Narration

Thank you again to viewers for 123gas321, Holofire, NLD1st, Nygaard_Gaming, and Pandabitz for contributing artifact ideas!

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