Blue Tengu’s Live Game Development Show – Season 2, Episode 26

Blue Tengu - Volcano Flyover
In this episode of Blue Tengu’s Game Development Show, we add a few more tiles to Project Skyring’s procedurally generated islands: volcanoes and lava.

These tiles aren’t just for decoration. The volcanoes, while being a type of mountain, can generate trails of lava that lead away, and these trails can hurt the player if the lava flow is active.

To do this, we first have to work up the rough graphics for the active and inactive versions of the volcano, then the active and inactive version of the lava tiles. With the graphics done, we can add them into our GameMaker: Studio project and begin defining behaviors.

The first is to set the rhythm of the volcanoes “turning on” and “turning off” and to make sure the lava tiles associated with that volcano hear the message. Then, we need to make sure active lava tiles can damage the player with a collision check.

Once that’s done, we still have to add in a little code to handle what happens when the player destroys the volcano with their all-powerful boomerang.

Game Development Show Tasks Worked on This Episode:

  • Rough Volcano & Lava Tiles
  • Islands Can Have Volcanoes
  • Volcanoes Produce Lava Flows
  • Lava Flows Are Active/Inactive Depending on the Volcano
  • Active Lava Flows Hurt the Player
  • Found Artifacts Point to Monoliths

Thank you to all of the live show viewers for your congratulations on Eric’s announcement!

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